Use massage to assist your training!

Use massage to assist your training!

With the more sunshine and a huge list of running events just around the corner, now is a good time to talk about the benefits of massage to optimise your training and fast track your recovery. Recovery massage is beneficial during preparation for a any event....
Top 5 tips to improve your posture!

Top 5 tips to improve your posture!

Rounded shoulders are a common postural abnormality and there are many ways our society promotes this bad posture. Sitting down for long hours in front of a computer screen, driving, looking down at your phone or tablet, bad training habits (focussing on chest...
Clinical Pilates arrives at TSMC!

Clinical Pilates arrives at TSMC!

Is your posture affected by sitting too much? Do you experience back or neck pain? Are you fed up with a body that’s not performing at its peak? Are you frustrated with long term injuries that haven’t fully recovered? Do you simply feel you require more stability,...
Foam Roller Exercises – Video Demo

Foam Roller Exercises – Video Demo

TFL, Lats & Spine Foam rolling is a simple, time-efficient technique for keeping your muscles and joints in optimal condition. Foam rolling is fantastic for both athletes and desk-based workers. It is great for prevention, managing injuries, and also recovery...